Play video content Lil Wayne agrees with the masses … a new wax figure with his likeness did a TERRIBLE job capturing his details. An image of a Weezy F. Baby statue from the Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN began to explode across social media Monday … with many recognizing the figure intended
These celebs are here for a gourd ol’ time … heading to the pumpkin patches and snatching pumpkins in their prime! While some stars fled to pumpkins galore in batches, some opted for flying solo to enjoy the patches! Talk about #squashgoals … Mandy Moore, hubby and kiddos were the cutest pumpkins in the patch,
Play video content Adam Sandler está definitivamente en sintonía con su público. Hizo una pausa en un show para ayudar a un fan que sufría una emergencia médica en la multitud. El comediante estaba actuando en el SAP Center de San José el miércoles por la noche cuando todo se detuvo. Nos dicen que